Monday, August 16, 2010

Breaking News: Harry Reid's Web Site Showing His Close Tie To Religion

Harry Reid and his followers has constantly criticized Sharron Angle of her close ties to her religion but there is a web site Harry Reid on a federal government web site that shows his ties to religion and politics.
The web site:
From the web site: As Democratic Leader, I’ve made outreach to the faith community a top priority and have had the great privilege of meeting with leaders of many faiths. I’ve talked with Protestant ministers about the immorality of a budget that cuts programs for the neediest among us while rewarding those with the most. I’ve discussed immigration and poverty with Catholic Bishops, and I’ve met with Jewish leaders to discuss ways we can help hardworking families across this country.
My discussions have only reinforced the belief that the Democratic Party and people of all faiths share many values and goals, and I intend to continue my outreach in the months ahead. As part of this effort, it is my honor to introduce you to this website – A Word to the Faithful. It’s dedicated to illustrating how people of faith and Senate Democrats can work together to lift our neighbors up and achieve our common goals

After meeting with religious leaders in Las Vegas, Senator Harry Reid announced plans to hold a Faith Based Services Symposium. The goal of the symposium is to assemble religious leaders and social service advocates from the Las Vegas area to develop a community plan to address un-met needs in areas such as affordable housing, homelessness, drug prevention, ex-offender re-entry, gang intervention, youth programs, and senior services.
Participants include: Maureen Shea, Director of Government Relations, The Episcopal Church USA; The Most Rev. Frank T. Griswold Presiding Bishop and Primate The Episcopal Church; The Rev. Dr. Clifton Kirkpatrick, Stated Clerk of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA); Rev. Eleanora Giddings Ivory, Director of the Presbyterian (USA) Washington Office; Rev. Ron Stief, Director UCC Justice and Witness Ministries and Jim Winkler, General Secretary, The General Board of Church and Society of The United Methodist Church.
Senator Reid convened his second meeting with leaders from Mainline Protestant denominations. Both Senator Reid and leaders from the denominations have all called the Budget a moral document noting that the Budget reflects our priorities as a nation. During this meeting they also discussed what can be done during the Budget Reconciliation process to restore funding in areas such as Medicaid, Food Stamps and other programs that provide for those in need.

Statement by Senator Harry Reid in Observance of Holocaust Memorial Day
Today we mark the observance of Holocaust Memorial Day as we pause to remember the victims of the Holocaust and remember the incomprehensible acts of injustice that can occur when bigotry and hatred are not confronted. (
More Here)
National Council of Churches hold Anti-Poverty Briefing
The National Council of Churches and the Faith Based Staff Working group recently held a briefing to review an anti-poverty program called “The Benefit Bank”. (
More Here)
Senator Reid releases statement on National Day of Prayer (
Read Statement)
Senator Reid Releases Statement on the Budget as a Moral Document (
Read Statement)
Remarks of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton at the Seventh Day Adventists Annual Religious Liberty Dinner (
Read Statement)
So, when Harry Reid criticizes Sharron Angle and her religious connections, he is being a first class hypocrite.
Are you listening, Sharron Angle, Jon Ralston and Las Vegas Sun?

h/t LVRJ

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