Saturday, October 2, 2010

And Here I thought The Left Cared About The Environment

From the liberal rally on Saturday. If the liberals care so much about the environment, why do they pollute so much? If the liberals cared so much about union workers, why did they leave such a mess for the workers to clean up?
For more pictures:

h/t Realdebate Wisconson


  1. Good post. Who knows how many were there because they were paid to be there or forced to be there to keep there union job.

  2. As a one-time employee in the amusement industry, I gotta cry foul. People are pigs, regardless of politics. I've seen people drop a whole plate of unfinished food on the ground, feet away from a trash can.

    We had to clean up around our ride after a long day of operation, and let me tell you. People are just pigs, period.
