Wednesday, October 6, 2010

GPS Fails, Sex Offenders Not Watched

From Newswatch, Channel 12, Rhinelander, WI: "More than 300 sex offenders in Wisconsin and 16,000 nationwide, go without GPS monitoring Tuesday because of a system wide failure. It lasted more than 11 hours and the Wisconsin Department of Corrections says at no time were the sex offenders aware the technology wasn't working.A company called BI Incorporated in Boulder, Colorado is responsible for the failure that left sex offenders, parolees and others in 49 states blind to local law enforcement. Registered Sex Offender Christopher Sayers is one of approximately 300 people in Wisconsin who's GPS monitoring failed Tuesday.Public Information Officer Tim Le Monds says, "What happens is we immediately go into emergency response mode and we send agents out, we contact local law enforcement.Le Monds says BI Incorporated told them at 8:30 yesterday morning the system was down in Wisconsin. A spokesman for the company says its system's data storage hit its capacity and that blocked notifications to prisons and other correctionsagencies on about 16,000 people being tracked."
I tried to find out if Nevada had any connection with BI, but there was nothing was on the web. Maybe for security reasons? Don't know, but maybe someone from the LVRJ, who likes to use some of my stuff, can find this information out and see if anyone was in any danger in Nevada.

h/t Boots and Sabres

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