The Las Vegas Sun, the official campaign mouthpiece of the Harry Reid campaign. Of course, they had to stretch the truth and ignore certain things, like Reid's dementia, and rip Sharron Angle with lies and extortions of the truth.
In reality, the Sun's endorsement really means very little. Just like the LVRJ for Angle endorsement- it means very little. They are not going to convince anybody to change their mind from voting for Angle to voting for Reid (but maybe in their liberal addled mind, they may think they may make a difference) In the day of 24 hour a day media, the Internet, Twitter etc. newspaper endorsements mean very little. Seriously, if I endorse Sharron Angle, will anybody care? If James Greenlee endorses Harry Reid, who really cares?
So, the Las Vegas Sun endorses Harry Reid. Who cares?
How Democrats Really Think
3 hours ago
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