The LVRJ is reporting that Sen. John Ensign (R-NV) is going to resign and that Brian Sandoval will be able to appoint his replacement.
From the LVRJ: U.S. Sen. John Ensign plans to resign as soon as Friday morning, according to two sources who are in a position to know.
That would pave the way for GOP Gov. Brian Sandoval to appoint a replacement for the Republican senator.
The smart money will on Dean Heller getting the Senate seat.
In the past I have called for Ensign to resign after he screwed up big time by having an affair with a staffer and then paying off the family of the staffer. The the husband of the staffer later gets arrested for doing a lobbying job that Ensign got him.
The liberals also called for his resignation but now I think they are going to regret it because it will give Heller a huge advantage in his Senate race against Shelly Berkley.
Thank you Sen. John Ensign, you did the right thing.
Good Question!!!
5 hours ago
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