The "Rev" Terry Jones is an idiot. He hates Muslims and has burned a Koran in the past. Because of this, members of the religion of peace- Islam- decided to kill other Muslims in protest.
Now, Jones wants to go to Michigan to hold a protest against Islam and Michigan and local governments are trying to restrict his free speech.
From the Detroit Free Press: With some of metro Detroit's biggest political and religious leaders united behind Muslims in Dearborn, Florida Pastor Terry Jones is expected to appear in court this morning for a jury trial that could determine whether he can hold a rally at the largest mosque in the city....
Al-Qazwini's mosque is where Jones wants to rally today against what he calls "the radical element in Islam." Jones appeared in court Thursday and refused to post a bond for the massive security effort Dearborn says it would have to deploy if Jones were allowed to rally. The judge then ordered the trial....
A battle over free speech played out Thursday in Dearborn as Quran-burning Pastor Terry Jones arrived in metro Detroit to make his bid to protest today in front of the largest mosque in Dearborn. And questions remained as to whether the pastor would be able to carry out his plan.
Dearborn officials and Wayne County prosecutors sought to convince Jones to post a bond for security costs if he wants to protest in Dearborn. And they urged him to rally not at the Islamic Center of America -- his desired spot -- but instead in front of their City Hall or civic center.
Even the ACLU agrees with Jones: Earlier Thursday, the American Civil Liberties Union of Michigan and others criticized authorities, saying they were wrongly denying Jones his constitutional rights.
The government should "not impinge on a person's right to protest, even when their speech is as distasteful and offensive as Rev. Jones' is," said Rana Elmir, communications director for the Michigan ACLU. "We should combat hate speech with more speech."
What are Muslims afraid of? Someone not saying they are a religion of peace?
When the unions and their supporters in Wisconsin took over the capitol in Wisconsin, did the governor charge the unions, Democrats and liberals for the extra police protection? Nope. That would have restricted free speech.
When the Westboro Baptist Church decides to picket at a soldier who was killed in action- did they have to pay a fee to protest or have police protection? Nope.
So, why the hell are Muslims so damn special? I would suggest that the Muslims grow up, become mature and deal with people who disagree with you. Muslims are acting like a bunch of crybabies. Burn a Koran. So, let's kill fellow Muslims. Somebody protests you? Ohhh, let's run to the courts to try and prevent the rally. Geez, how many protests have there been against the Catholic and Baptist religions in the past few years?
So, grow up, Muslims, and if some idiot burns the Koran, deal with it like adults, like most religions do. If someone protests at your Mosque. Act like an adult and ignore it. Like most religions do. And if Muslims act like extremists and kill people in the name of Islam, condemn the violent actions like most religions would do. It's really that easy. Just grow up.
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