If you listen to the Main stream Media in Nevada, like The Las Vegas Sun, the LVRJ and the television stations, you would think that Yucca is a dead project.
If you listen to President Obama, Harry Reid and the upper tier politicians in Nevada, you would think Yucca is dead and that there is no support for Yucca Mountain and it's nuclear repository.
Well, you would be wrong. There were two stories in the Pahrump Valley Times, which is located in Nye County, where Yucca is located.
In the first story, it tells about how safe Yucca is. From the PVT: Despite what U.S. Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., emphatically said about the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste repository project being dead, U.S. Rep. John Shimkus, R-Ill., the chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, came down from the mountain Tuesday and called it “a national treasure.”
“It’s just a tremendous national asset to let go to waste. I mean $14.5 billion was spent and I heard on the report coming out here we were ahead of everybody and now we’re behind,” he said.
The congressmen couldn’t have a much better tour guide than Bill Boyle, director of the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Used Nuclear Fuel Disposition Research and Development. Boyle told the delegation that Sweden and Finland are now on track to become the first to open permanent, nuclear waste repositories.
For Shimkus, it was his second trip to the repository. He plans to invite Nuclear Regulatory Commission officials to testify before his committee Wednesday.
During a briefing with county officials at the Pahrump Valley Museum after the tour late Tuesday afternoon, Shimkus summed up the visit.
“I’ve been a pretty strong supporter in my 15 years of being a member of Congress and I think it’s because of the trip I took 10 years ago, or however long it was. What the trip did today was just reaffirm that commitment. We were given a good tour by some professional, federal employees, DOE staffers who really, really knew their stuff and it just for me gave me faith that we have some of the best minds in the country that have been working for decades on this site,” he said.
And in the second article, it tells of the support Yucca has in the counties that surround the mountain: Representatives of six rural counties, including Nye County, voiced support Tuesday for continuing the licensing of Yucca Mountain.
The officials met with three visiting congressmen on the House Energy and Commerce Committee this week.
“Despite what you hear from some of our federal representatives, most of us in Nevada who live closest to this project really see it as an opportunity. They see it as a creation of a Fort Knox, a valuable commodity being placed in that mountain, a real treasure that someday will come out and be reprocessed and benefit all of America,” former Nevada Gov. Bob List said.
List said he’s been involved in the Yucca Mountain project for 15 years, including work for the Nuclear Energy Institute. List reminded congressmen Nevada only has 17 counties and that all of the counties surrounding Yucca Mountain were represented at the briefing at the Pahrump Valley Museum, except White Pine and Eureka counties.
“There’s no one more concerned about the health, safety and welfare of the community than us. I assure you, I would not put my grandkids in danger if I didn’t believe that Yucca Mountain was safe,” Nye County Commission Chairman Gary Hollis said. “The scientists I have on board and the people that have reviewed and went over all the data that the DOE has done, along with our independent science program, I believe that Yucca Mountain can be constructed and operated safely.”
This going to be one of Harry Reid's legacies in the senate: job killing. Harry has personally killed more jobs in Nevada than almost any other reason. He has killed power plants, a garbage dump and Yucca- ten's of thousands of jobs all told. Reid has told the unemployed of Nevada- screw you, you are not worth anything to me- you are just my political pawns and if you suffer, too bad.
How many jobs has Harry Reid personally brought to Nevada? 10? Maybe members of his Senate staff? That's it.
Yucca is safe and it provides jobs. And if it is not as safe as it can be, then fix the problem and then complete the project.
Harry Reid, in his dementia, thinks that people are not going to coming to Las Vegas if Yucca opens. That is just plain stupid and ignorant. People still come to Las Vegas even though we had nuclear bombs exploded above ground in Nevada. We have low level radioactive material coming to Nevada already, and people are still coming to Nevada.
There is no valid reason not to open re-open Yucca. Harry Reid is just standing in the doorway of Yucca, just like George Wallace did when he stood in the doorway preventing black kids going to school in Alabama.
Can This Pentagon FUBAR Be Fixed?
44 minutes ago
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