Whooppee Dogggy Dooo. President Obama released his birth certificate which is probably a fake anyways. Score 1 for Donald Trump for getting him to release it just before a book was about to be published that would have shown that the Obama wasn't born in the U.S.
Personally, I couldn't care less if he was born in the U.S. It's not going to change the election.
I am more concerned that he acts like a Muslim and attends Christian churches that espouse hate.
I am also more concerned that he has shown contempt to the poor, the unemployed and U.S. taxpayer.
I am more concerned that his supporters are just a bunch of hypocrites and don't hold him accountable. Do his supporters realize that we are still fighting an undeclared war in Libya without the consent of Congress? Where are the large anti-war protests we saw under Bush. Oh, that's right, Bush wars after we were attacked, bad, Obama's war for no particular reason- good. That we have escalated the war in Afghanistan by fighting in Pakistan, again, without permission of Congress?
Do his supporters realize that there is inflation in the U.S.? Inflation when you add in energy and food, is at least 5%. And no, can't blame Bush on this one. While 5% or inflation are not exactly Jimmy Carter numbers, they also are not GW Bush numbers either.
So, Obama can laugh about his birth certificate, but the rest of the nation is not laughing with him. They are laughing at him.
That is what I care about.
Random Riddle: Homophones
1 hour ago
"I am more concerned that he acts like a Muslim and attends Christian churches that espouse hate."
ReplyDeleteUhhhhhhhhh. . . .that makes ZERO sense to me.
Obama goes to Christian Churches that espouse hate. The one in Chicago and now the one in DC.
ReplyDeleteAnd they way he bows and cowtows to Muslim leaders and countries is both obvious and pathetic.
Look at one of the reasons why we are gutting NASA, so Muslims can learn more- not Jewish, not Chrisians, not Buddahists, but Muslims.
There are so many other examples of Obama favoring Muslim Countries and Muslim followers, it's pathetic.
His birth certificate is "probably a fake"? It sounds like you've joined the ranks of the tinfoil-hat-wearing birthers. "Acts like a Muslim" is another bit of non-fact-based propaganda. You're entitled to your opinions, Dan, but in the last several months, I've noticed them veering farther and farther from any basis in real-world evidence and more towards frustrated right-wing anger.
ReplyDeleteUmm, no Jill, and thanks again for stopping by.
ReplyDeleteFrustrated? it depends? Spending us into oblivion? I suppose so. Doing nothing about food and gas prices, I guess you are right. Breaking promises left and right. Yep, i am frustrated. Violating the constitution, who isn't frustrated by that? high unemployment. Damn right I am pissed. Impending inflation caused by Obama and his policies? Only kool aide belivers of liberal polices wouldn't be pissed.
So, yeah, I guess you are right, I am frustrated and angry
Dan, I just dubunked the "it's fake, it's got layers" theory. It MAY be fake--though there is no reason to believe it is--but not for the reasons all the FReepers are claiming.