Monday, October 3, 2011

When You Think Times Are Tough For You....

I am always amazed how people think they have it so bad that they feel they have the right to complain and make fools of themsleves when in reality, they really don't have that bad.
I work with severely disabled students who, for whatever reason, have severe physical and mental disabilities. So, when someone says they have it so rough because they are 5 pounds overweight. I just want to look at them and give them the old dope slap across the head. One little genetic change, one piece of bad food your mom ate while she was pregnant, your mom could have had a shot of Jagermeister when she did not know she was pregnant, an older mom, you almost drowned or in a bad accident etc and you end up up like my students- unable to talk, have to wear diapers, have a mental age of 1 year old and have to depend on others for your entire life.
Or when some complains about not getting enough government welfare, i think of some people who are so much worse than they are. from the El Paso Times: Living in a tiny home built out of cardboard boxes and wooden pallets, Lorenzo Miramontes, 55, and his family endure the heat, hunger and lack of health care.
The Miramontes -- father, mother and teenage son -- try to relieve the heat with a small fan held together by worn out bandages. The family passes the time watching a black-and-white TV, plugged to a makeshift connection that taps electricity from a neighboring house since they can't afford utilities.
The Miramontes --Êwho live in the Granjas de Chapultepec neighborhood, one of the poorest areas in the city -- are one of more than 9,000 Juárez families that live in extreme poverty, according to Mexican federal government figures.
It is estimated that more than 256,000 Juarenses live in 40 poverty-ridden neighborhoods in west and southwest Juárez....
The Miramontes family earns less than a dollar a day by selling beer and soda cans, and some junk. There are lucky times when the family of three eats twice a day. That happens when Virginia, Lorenzo's wife, lands a cleaning job or Lorenzo works as a mechanic.
"It is very hard living like this," Virginia said as she cooked beans on an old wooden stove. "When times are better, we eat beans and rice, and some milk and coffee. We feed ourselves once a day, and we don't eat meat at all. We can't afford it."
When times are rough, such as now, she rations the food. It is common for the family of three to starve itself for several consecutive days because they don't have money.
Life for the Miramontes family is compounded by the fact that their teenage son has a slight mental handicap, making it difficult for the couple to go out and look for a steady job, Virginia Miramontes said. They can't afford to leave him on his own or to send him to school, the mother said.

A lot of spoiled people bitch and moan about how little the government-local, state and federal-helps them, even though in reality, they have it so much better than other people in the world, including those just across the border in Mexico.
I don't suffer fools well and so when there are protests, either political, social, economic or whatever, I don't feel sorry for them.
Las Vegas, this week will be somewhat inundated with a bunch of loud mouth protesters who are going to complain about Wall Street and whatever the next social crisis is. These fools are so damn spoiled they don't know what real poverty is. They don't know what true prejudice is. These fools don't know what it is like to have a severe disability. They just have no clue. So, when they go out and yell, all i will think of is that these idiots don't really know about life's problems. They are just a bunch of spoiled brats who have no clue what they are talking about. Then I will turn off the news to ignore them and watch Family Guy. At least that show has some value- these protesters have no value to society.

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