Crybaby Harry Reid certainly knows how to earn his nickname. The latest budget cuts shows this clearly.
The GOP gave =Crybaby Reid, President Obama and the Democrats what they wanted in the latest budget battle.
From the Washington Times: Last week, the House passed a bill to extend this year’s 2 percentage-point payroll-tax holiday through all of 2012, to extend but overhaul unemployment benefits and to extend full payments to Medicare doctors by two years. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2011/dec/21/dems-blocked-house-floor-tax-fight-gets-nasty/
But Crybaby Reid says this: Mr. Reid has said he won’t negotiate with the Jan. 1 deadline still hanging over them, and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, California Democrat, said she won’t name negotiators to the conference to hammer out final details, arguing the only solution is to pass the Senate’s legislation. Mr. Obama on Tuesday also publicly pressed the House to act on the two-month extension.
The only reason why the Democrats want a 2 month extension is so they can play politics every 2 months, up to the election. The GOP has called their bluff and said they want the extension for a year and take this issue off the election table.
So, Crybaby Harry Reid will not consider the House GOP plan because Crybaby Reid is throwing a temper tantrum, just like the crybaby he is.
If Crybaby Reid was a man instead of a crybaby wimp, he would call for a vote on the GOP plan or at least negotiate with the GOP. But the curly toe weirdo, Reid, just wants to cry like a baby.
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