Monday, August 1, 2016

Trump Is Right Again

From CNN: The father of the slain Muslim US soldier at the center of a controversial feud with Donald Trump said Monday he had no desire to escalate the conflict and that it's time to "join hands with good Muslims" -- even as the Republican candidate attacked him on Twitter during the live interview.
President Barack Obama also joined the fray later on Monday, implicitly rebuking Trump for his comments.
Khizr Khan, the soldier's father, was a guest on "New Day" on CNN Monday with his wife Ghazala Khan, and delivered the criticism of Trump amid an extended plea for his comments.
Khizr Khan, the soldier's father, was a guest on "New Day" on CNN Monday with his wife Ghazala Khan, and delivered the criticism of Trump amid an extended plea for unity and empathy. He stressed the need to work with Muslim communities to combat radicalization, while again slamming Trump for his divisive rhetoric.
As usual, the totally moronic and Hillary's chief butt kisser just don't get it.
While Army Capt. Humayun Khan is a hero, it is also clear that Khan has decided to politicalize his son's death by bashing Trump at the DNC convention.
The elder Khan is no patriot nor is he even a decent human being by politicalize his son's death.
Trump was right and Khan deserves every bit of criticism he gets.

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