From the LVRJ: "Health officials are urging the public to exercise patience and courtesy after a fight broke out when someone tried to cut in line Thursday at a Reno swine flu clinic. Washoe County Health District spokeswoman Judy Davis said she didn't have any details of the incident, but it involved people in high-risk groups waiting in line for a chance to get a swine flu shot.
So, people have to wait in line at a County run clinic, someone skips and a fight breaks out. Get used to it.
Finally, "Davis said that vaccines were available for 1,200 people Thursday and that from 200 to 300 people in line were unable to get one."
Now, we're into rationing. Well done, Washoe County Health District and here's looking to our future if Obama and the Democrats have their way.
Selling Fear
2 hours ago
Actually, most flu vaccines are unprofitable for pharmaceutical companies because demand is sporadic and they have a limited shelf life. If it weren't for the socialized aspects of our health care system (like the CDC), there would rarely be an adequate supply. There are legitimate reasons to be concerned about shifting to a more centralized, government-run health insurance system, but the flu vaccine shortage is a completely separate issue that will continue to exist even if we keep the status quo with regards to private health insurance.
ReplyDeleteHow can you oppose the idea of universal health care and still think of yourself as a good person? Every other industrialized country operates under it, and they are far healthier than 'the best country in the world'. The US is even behind Botswana in immunizations (we're ranked 67th). Isn't that extremely pathetic and depressing? We've been independent for 200+ years and an undeveloped country that only gained independence in 1966 takes better care of its citizens than we do.
ReplyDeletesorry, x-zobi,but it is reality that we do have the best health care in the world. Is our system perfect, of course not, but we don't need a total overhaul like the Democrats are proposing.
ReplyDeleteYou mention the immunization problem- that is a government problem. Fist, they put on so many unreasonable restrictions on the producers of immunizations that it s impossible for producers to make vaccines in the U.S. There is also a distribution problem, another government problem. they totally screwed that up.
And yes, I consider myself a good person.