"Former Boulder City Councilwoman Karla Burton was at home within hours of being sentenced on Tuesday to 25 days in the Clark County Detention Center after appearing drunk in a special DUI Court.
Justice of the Peace Nancy Oesterle suspended the 25 days and allowed Burton to go directly to house arrest after reconsidering her decision Tuesday."..."While making her first appearance in that program before Oesterle, she failed a Breathalyzer test, showing a blood alcohol level of 0.115, over the legal limit to drive of 0.08."
Let me get this straight, you go to court drunk, no matter what the case is, you get caught, you are sentenced to 25 days in jail for contempt and then released a few hours later because the judge thought better of it.
The fact that Ms. Burton came to court drunk is contempt of court. It doesn't matter what kind of case it was. Traffic ticket, parking ticket, murder or robbery. You just don't to get to come to court drunk.
And then if the court sentences you to jail, which was proper, and then releases you almost automatically, this does not pass the smell test.
The judges excuse doesn't hold water: "The attorneys argued that Burton had pleaded guilty to driving under the influence before a different judge and had not been given Oesterle’s usual stern verbal warning to stay away from alcohol, Oesterle’s executive assistant said.
“After the judge considered all of the facts ... she decided one more chance was warranted,” Executive Assistant Tracy Cordoba said. “They believe they have her attention now.”
What a bunch of BS. You don't need a stern verbal warning not to come to court drunk. It is common sense.
Was the judge paid off? I would hope not. Is the judge incompetent? Absolutely. Is this another stain on the judiciary system of Clark County? No doubt.
JP Nancy Osterele, you are disgrace to Lady Justice's robes and gavel.
Selling Fear
2 hours ago
yep, some thing is fishy in that court, this is the same judge who threatened me to 2 years in prison for a Domestic Violence i did not do and with no physical evidence whatsoever(no bruise or photos of same, no witnesses, no hospital or medical bills, no counseling for the claimed victim) and my claim to innocence was the girl just flat out intended to rob me of my home, car and substantial personal effects with the charge fell on deaf ears...(it took me 3 years to "steal my own Vehicle back from her and her cohorts) and this judge is letting guilty and flagrantly disrespectful person free? the sooner Nance Osterele is off the bench the BETTER THIS VALLEY WILL BE!..........signed "a victim of the Bench"
ReplyDeletegotta say more..by "a victim of the bench" you know in further comment to this subject i must state that i presented the Clark Co. Prosecutors office with ironclad proof that this court scam was run on me by an experienced person(7 prior complaints on six different parties!ALL CASES WERE WON!POOR GUYS!)and this info was available to Osterle at that time AND Frank Como of the D.A.s office stated directly to me"we don't file ANY PURGERY CHARGES IN CLARK COUNTY, IT IS POLICY!" it is obvious to me that my case could have been correctly dealt with by a couple of well placed keystrokes on the way to PRIOR RECORDS, BUT NO SUCH ACT WAS INITIATED ON MY BEHALF!Two points here folks....a lot of our court bullshit could be fixed forever with a successful round of "Purgery indictments from the prosecutors Office so the truly innocent are not left twisting in the wind, and although an advanced Law degree is a good prerequisite for a judge, a history of sound fair judgement is MOST IMPORTANT!!!!Osterle FAIL!