Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Just Wondering?

It's been about 6 days since the latest polls came out int he Sharron Angle Harry Reid race showing that Angle is withing the margain of error of beating Reid. Just wondering why we have not seen any news stories about it in the Las vegas Sun?
It's been about 5 days since the lates polls on the governor's race between Brain Sandoval and Rory No Last Name. Just wondering why there has been no story in the Las Vegas Sun about it it?
It's been a couple of weeks since firefighters have gone door to door in Rory's No Last Name's district complaining about the fire safety of it's resident's. Just wondering why there is no story in the Las Vegas Sun about it?
The Pravda of Las Vegas strikes again.

1 comment:

  1. I thought you may be interested in a recent post by Chris Hansen. I understand from him that his family shares his same self proclaimed (bigoted) ideology.

    From: Christopher Hansen
    Sent: Friday, August 27, 2010 12:06 AM
    To: TheUnrepentantPatriots@yahoogroups.com
    Subject: Re: [TheUnrepentantPatriots] Fw: ... AARP FALL FROM GRACE

    You mean like the US government does to people they claim, without a trial, are enemy combatants and shipped off to GITMO?

    I am a strong supporter of Operation Wet Back back in Eisenhower days. I support harassing known illegal aliens.

    Medicare is not insurance. It cannot be our it would be unconstitutional. It is welfare just like unemployment or Aid to Dependent Children. You have no contract. Congress can eliminate Medicare or Medicaid or Social Security with a single vote.

    You are owed nothing. You are not entitled unless Congress says so. Welfare used to be called poor relief until about 1907 AD. It is Socialism. It is Charity at the point of a gun and is anti-Christ
