The New York Times brings some interesting information about how the Israeli's are messing with Iran's nuclear program.
From the NY Times: The German software engineer who in September was the first to report that a computer worm was apparently designed to sabotage targets in Iran said Friday that the program contained two separate “digital warheads.”
The malicious program, known as Stuxnet, is designed to disable both Iranian centrifuges used to enrich uranium and steam turbines at the Bushehr nuclear power plant, which is scheduled to begin operation next year, said the engineer, Ralph Langner, an industrial control systems specialist based in Hamburg, Germany.
I am not a computer geek, so, from I what I understand from the article, Israel just screwed up Iran's nuclear program without firing a shot or bomb Iran into the Stone Age. (Not that they are that far away from the Stone Age)
Good for Israel for screwing with Iran and their nuclear prgram.
Then again, I hope we never piss of Israel either. Who knows how much damage Israel can do to us.
h/t Dad 29
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