On November 11, 2010, th City of Las Vegas will be putting on a parade on 4th street, from Gass to Ogden. It is the biggest Veteran's Day parade west of the Mississippi.
From the City's web site: The Las Vegas City Council has proclaimed Nov. 5-12 as Veterans Week, in honor of the many men and women who have served, and continue to serve, our country. The annual Veterans Day parade will be held Thursday, Nov. 11, downtown on Fourth Street, from Gass to Ogden avenues, beginning ized by VFW Post 1753, the parade is expected to honor and recognize more than 60 severely wounded troops for their sacrifices. http://www.lasvegasnevada.gov/Find/23377.htm
I know there will be JROTC troops from the area high schools will be marching. There will be military equipment, Veterans and current activity members marching
This weekend, at Nellis AFB, Aviation Nation takes place. It is an all-day event and the air show is one of the biggest in the country. The events take place on Saturday and Sunday. You will have to park at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway and then they will bus you into Nellis. They have entertainment throughout the day along with static displays of airplanes from many generations. You will be able to tour some of the larger planes and talk to the crew as well.
The Thunderbirds will be performing- because Nellis is home to the Thunderbirds, we will get some extra treats from them. There is so much to see and do at Nellis and the admission is free and and so is the parking at the Speedway. But you cannot walk into the gates at Nellis, you have to go to the Speedway. There is food, beer , soda and water available. There are not that many chairs to sit on throughout Nellis, so bring some lawn chairs along to the event.
It's a great event and you will have fun, but prepared to walk a long way.
So, please honor those who have served. Many of those that served, did so under very difficult circumstances. November 11 is the days for veterans and their families.
Thank you Veterans for all you do and have done for this wonderful country!!
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