Good evening everyone and welcome to another 2 new episodes of Pawn Stars. Spring is here with the arrival of Black Widow spiders and Scorpions (not the bands- the insects). Even though Spring is here, there is still tons of snow up in the mountains and snow will still be on the mountains in June, based on past years and the ski hill will probably be open until june.
In the first episode, the first guy brought in a antique blunderbuss, like a gun used by Elmer Fudd int he Bugs Bunny cartoons. The guy wanted $10,000. The blunderbuss was small and quite old from the 16th century. Sean came to inspect the blunderbuss. It had a Lazzerino barrel and that is a good thing but other parts were made about 150 years later. Rick offered $1500 and then $2000. Sold.
Rick said in this segment, he pays rent. Umm, no. The Harrison's own the building they work in, according to the Clark County Accessor's office. Probably a tax thing.
The next guy brought in a 1978 Coke Cola sponsored motor home. The motor home was a prize in a contest in the late 70's. It was Coke decorated inside and out. The maker was GMC. The guy wanted $50,000 and Rick offered $20,000 and then $30,000 and then $35,000. The guy still wanted $42,000 and there was no sale and Rick called the seller Old Man.
The next lady brought in a "Secret of Charm" book from 1964. It was written by John Powers, from the Powers modeling and talent agency. It was almost scary reading it with all the suggestions on how to be charming in public. The lady $30 and Corey offered $5 and then $15. And that was the selling price. The lady paid 50 cents for the book.
The next lady brought in a San Francisco 1989 cheerleader Super Bowl Ring and was brought in a by a former 49er cheerleader. She wanted a lot and Corey offered $1000 and up to about $1300 and so there was no deal. Those rings are fairly rare. This year, there were no cheerleaders in the Super Bowl.
The next guy brought in an autographed picture of 4 members of the band Who. The guy wanted $2000 and time for an expert, Drew from Authentic Autographs Unlimited. One of the Who members, Entwhistle, died in Las Vegas. Drew said the signatures were real with about a $2500 value. The guy wanted $2000 and Rick offered $1000 and then $1100 and that was the selling price.
The next guy brought in a speed reading machine. The guy got it from a Church rummage sale. It really wasn't much, just a ruler going down the page of the book. The Old Man offered $20 to give to Chumlee so Chumlee can practice and that was the price.
Then Chumlee was caught speed reading the charm book.
In the second episode, the first guy brought in a a George Patton photo album from World War 2. There were some autographed pictures in the collection. The man got the book from his grandfather, who served with Patton. Time for the expert, Dana. He thought the pictures were not real and the signatures were not real. The value of the pictures was a crap shoot. The guy wanted $2000 and Rick offered $500 and then $600- no sale.
The next guy brought in a an old travel men's kit, with a lot of sterling silver. It was from the early 1800's and was French in nature. The guy wanted $10,000 and Rick offered $6000 and then $6500 and that was the deal. All cash.
The next guy brought in some jockey racing boots, size 1, autographed by Willie Shoemaker, a very famous horse racing jockey. The autograph was faded. The guy wanted $4000. The seller looked like Rick's brother- bald head and and goatee. Drew came in and said it was real with a value was about a lot more than a picture. The guy wanted $1250 and Rick offered $500. that was the deal.
The next lady had a Decanter collections, over 175 of them. All of them used to hold, mostly Jim Beam, liquor. It looks like a lot of ceramic dolls and figurines. The lady wanted $4500 and Rick offered $500 and then $600 and that was the deal. One of the few times they actually bought something from some one's house(Mountain's Edge area).
The next guy brought in some bullet proof vests- never been shot at. It was made of Kevlar and so it was fairly new but the vest had an expiration date of 2007. The guy wanted $300 and then $150 and that was the selling price. Great, with Las Vegas's crime problem, with Metro having a shootout every few weeks, this may not be a good buy for Las Vegas.
So, ends another week of Pawn Stars. Next week there will be more new shows. Have a safe week and enjoy the Spring, unless you live south of the equator, then have a great Fall.
Backlog Brad Schimel Jumps The Shark
47 minutes ago
On the antique travel kit in the 2nd the opening preview of the show; they made it seem like there was something tucked under everything like maybe a gun. But then never showed that when the item was discussed. Did I miss something?
ReplyDeleteThanks Jason. No, there was no surprise underneath the kit. The kit was pretty cool looking, but that was about it.
ReplyDeleteI'm just looking at this very episode here in Ireland!!!
ReplyDeleteI googled about the cheerleaders super bowl ring and I found your blog.
$35,000 was turned down for the motorhome and now the seller is tryng to get $30,000