Brian "The Coward" Greenspun is the editor and owner of the Las Vegas Sun and he is a terribly despicable person. He advocated that people in Florida die, get hurt and suffer property damage just to prove a political point.
He advocates people losing their good paying jobs all in the name of politics. He has his head so far up Crybaby Harry Reid's butt that not only does his head come out of Reid's mouth, it also comes out of every little follicle of Reid's dyed hair. His newspaper constantly lies about conservatives And he employs the most unethical writers and columnists (and probably custodians, secretaries, telephone operators etc) this side of the National Enquirer and he is not ashamed they are unethical, after all, they just take after the boss. He also has run his father's newspaper and other financial holdings into the ground, to the point where Coward Greenspun and family have had land foreclosed on.
And now, Brian "The Coward" Greenspun has been caught lying about Joe Heck's position on Yucca Mountain.
From the Laws Vegas Sun: Brian Greenspun’s column regarding Yucca Mountain, "Killing Yucca Mountain would be a real gift," inaccurately illustrates my position on the subject. To be clear: I do not support Yucca Mountain as a long-term nuclear waste storage facility.
As the Las Vegas Sun reported on July 15, I voted against the Energy and Water Appropriations Act because, “the legislation continues funding a project that is unpopular and has long been considered dead, Yucca Mountain, despite other feasible options. We must move past ideas and technology from a bygone era and begin exploring options that will create jobs, and are supported by Nevadans.”
I have repeatedly stated that Yucca Mountain, as a long-term nuclear waste dump, is a “nonstarter, and that we should look at acceptable job-creating alternatives for the site.”
Sticking our country’s nuclear waste in a hole in the ground is a 20th century solution. Instead, we should encourage the use of 21st century technology. We have the opportunity to create a research and development park, a position that has been supported by others in this delegation — including Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.
Embracing 21st century solutions to the problems we face is critical to maintaining our nation’s economic and technological superiority. Given the history of Nevada’s nuclear test site, the available expertise and the infrastructure we possess, Nevada is uniquely suited to become the nation’s leader in research and development of nuclear energy. Creating a research and development park is one option, and I remain open to others.
I disagree on Heck's position- Yucca should never have been closed and there are no good reason for it to be closed except political reasons and the fear mongers who play on people's fears by putting out mostly false information about the project.
But it also shows what little ethics Coward Greenspun has. There re not too many people I think are evil, but Coward Greenspun is a very evil person. I'm glad Rep. Dr. Joe Heck called him out.
Sunrise — 6:50, 6:56, 7:02, 7:08.
3 hours ago
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