Ding dong the witch is dead, which old witch, the Occupy Las Vegas witch... Well, I was never good at song writing.
But the Occupy Las Vegas group is folding up their tents, putting away their pot pipes and disappearing into the night lights of Las Vegas.
From the Las Vegas Sun:The corners of tents, held fast to the asphalt with concrete blocks, have frayed in the desert wind. A too-thin woman, her skin tanned and weathered, asks if she can have the last cupcake.
No problem, answers Jason Vickrey, smiling as he exhales cigarette smoke and peers over the last vestiges of the Occupy Las Vegas site.
Vickrey, 41, admits the promise of Occupy Las Vegas was never realized. The movement to protest big money — the so-called “1 percent” — and the damage Occupiers say it visited on society never gained the traction it did elsewhere. This may be the nation’s foreclosure and unemployment capital, but it’s not the protest capital.
And since its beginnings in late October, the Occupy site largely devolved into a homeless encampment. So Clark County is not going to renew a lease with the group, meaning that by midnight Monday, the Occupiers have to move.
Vickrey wasn’t here for the start of the disintegration, but he’ll be there Monday night as people gather up their tents and few possessions from the lot north of Tropicana Avenue, between Paradise Road and Swenson Street. About 30 tents remained Thursday.
“They’re running us out of here,” said Vickrey, a former corrections officer from Missouri.
Commissioner Steve Sisolak, who helped strike the agreement for the group in October, said county management told him the site had become a social services and homeless shelter, which was not the intent. “The services directed toward those issues are available in other parts of the valley,” Sisolak said.
So the homeless caused this?
Wincing at the suggestion, Vickrey admits that played a part in the encampment’s disintegration. The original Occupy Las Vegas organizers promised the county it would not become a homeless hangout.
No, the reason why Occupy Las Vegas failed is because all they were was a front group of the Democratic Party and the unions. They didn't care about anybody else. When President Obama came to visit Las Vegas 2 times, they refused to picket him. When they picketed Las Vegas area federal representatives, they only protested at the GOP offices and they refused to ever protest Crybaby Harry Reid, even though he was responsible for much of the problems in Nevada and has been the most corrupt politician in Nevada history.
They never protested union leaders who steal union dues of it's members so the leaders can live their lavish lifestyle.
Nope, Occupy Las Vegas was nothing more than a bunch idiots who did not care about the 99% they supposedly cared about. And that is why they were an epic failure.
A History Lesson
2 hours ago
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