Unlike most liberal bloggers, when a conservative or GOP moderate screws up, I am not afraid to call them out on their mistake. Why liberal bloggers have to ignore or refuse to criticize other liberals is beyond me, but I guess it is in their DNA.
Anyways, Gov. Christie, is the wonderful governor of New Jersey and could be president if he chose to be, is screwing up this weekend when he has ordered the flags in New Jersey to be flown at half staff for Whitney Houston's funeral.
And I agree with mom on this: Flags will be lowered in New Jersey Saturday, the day of Whitney Houston’s funeral. But a Marine mom in Arlington says it’s an honor Houston doesn’t deserve.
When Phyllis McGeath heard Gov. Chris Christie had ordered flags lowered to half-staff for Houston, she said she felt a pain deep inside her.
“I was hurt and offended. Disappointed. Saddened,” she said. “I felt like the honor that was given to my son was tarnished.”
McGeath had three sons who were active duty Marines.
Her oldest, Philip, was killed by a suicide bomber just four weeks ago in Afghanistan. He was 25.
“They killed my son.They took his body away from me,” she said, overcome by emotion.
Arizona, the McGeath’s former home state, lowered their flags in his honor.
“That honor meant a lot to me,” McGeath said.
McGeath says Houston is not deserving of that same honor.
“Nothing against Ms. Houston because she was a beautiful singer and I was a fan for years,” McGeath said.
I'm sorry, but Whitney Houston had a gift of music and song and wasted it on drugs and booze. She also was baten up by her thug husband many times and did nothing about it except enabled him to continue his beatings.
And they want to honor her for what? Being a drug addict and booze hound?
Chris Christie defended his awful decision:: New Jersey’s Governor, Chris Christie, defended his decision to lower the flags in his state saying he wasn’t honoring Houston as a role model but as “a daughter of New Jersey.”
Christie is a conservative Republican. He’s also a former U.S. Attorney who recently called for mandatory drug treatment for non-violent offenders. But he said Houston’s substance abuse issues shouldn’t negate her achievements.
“There but for the grace of God go I,” he said.
No, Governor Christie, not by the grace of God go I. I'm sorry, but being a drug addict and booze hound is a choice. Yes, some people have problems with addictions and it is even genetic, but no one forces them to pick up a straw and snort or grab a beer from the fridge.
There are a lot of people from New Jersey who I might honor- Bruce Springsteen, Jon Bon Jovi, Jerry Lewis and Dionne Warwick who I might honor, if I wanted to lower flags at half staff, but Whitney Houston would not be one of them.
Further, honoring people by ordering flags at half staffed should be done on rare occasions like when a soldier, fire fighter or police officer dies in the line of duty. They made the ultimate sacrifice. What sacrifice did Whitney Houston make? One less drink of champagne or 1 fewer puff on the crack pipe? Further, being found dead in a bathtub at a ritzy hotel in Beverly Hills is not making the ultimate sacrifice.
The same would be in Nevada. If a famous Nevada entertainer died, they shouldn't have the flags of the state flown at half staff. Sorry Terry Fator.
So, Gov. Christie, you are wrong. I will support you 95% of the time, but when you are wrong, I will let you know, unlike liberal bloggers who are deaf mutes when it comes to the wrongs of other liberals. I hope you change your mind or at least, in the future, realize your mistake.
The lake and the marsh.
3 hours ago
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