The CCFD firefighters union is going off the deep end by taking plays out of the national fire fighter's playbook.
Now, they are going door to door in Rory No Last Name's commissioner's district complaining about the closing down of the heavy rescue truck from Station 21.
From the LVRJ: "This choice, which was made by Commissioner Reid, was a bad choice," said Kendrick, a firefighter-paramedic.
Kendrick and the others say they didn't set out to undermine Reid's gubernatorial campaign, but the dispute between a Democratic candidate and a high-profile union was the reason the door-knocking effort is making headlines and news highlights around Las Vegas.
The firefighters blame Reid for cutbacks that eliminated a heavy rescue unit and a hazardous materials team, cuts they say jeopardize public safety.
Kendrick and the others say they didn't set out to undermine Reid's gubernatorial campaign, but the dispute between a Democratic candidate and a high-profile union was the reason the door-knocking effort is making headlines and news highlights around Las Vegas.
The firefighters blame Reid for cutbacks that eliminated a heavy rescue unit and a hazardous materials team, cuts they say jeopardize public safety.
I hate to say it, but the firefighters union is making Rory No Last Name look like a sympathetic character. It's so bad that the Las Vegas Sun won't even cover the union's protests because it makes Rory No Last Name look bad. If they had targeted Steve Sisolak, I guarantee you the Las Vegas Sun would be covering this with a lot of vigor.
But what the union is doing is trying to protect their little fiefdom and they are doing what many fire department unions are doing across the nation when their department is faced with layoffs or closing down fire stations. They use "fear" as an intimidator. The "chicken little" syndrome is alive and well in both the local union here and the national union (IAFF).
If you Google "firefighters picket", you will get a list where firefighters have picketed government agencies when there have been layoffs or reduced staffing. Cities include Flint, MI., Buffalo NY., Battle Creek, MI., North Providence, RI., Richmond, CA., Fort Walton Beach, FL., Hartford, CT., and many many more.
So, the CCFD is just playing mind games right now. They are throwing temper tantrums because their overtime is being reduced which means their pay is being cut and in some cases, drastically.
If the union was serious about getting the Haz-Mat and Heavy rescue truck back in service, they need to agree on cross staff the units with an engine or truck crew. If they don't want this, then all they are doing is playing lip service about safety of the residents of Clark County.
As an aside, the above picture is a picture of the mobile air unit that has been taken out of service full time.
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