Today, Sharron Angle signed a pledge not to raise the death tax. From Fox 5 News: "Nevada GOP Senate nominee Sharron Angle is challenging Democratic opponent Sen. Harry Reid to permanently repeal the estate tax, which is set to be reinstated in January.
At a news conference scheduled in Las Vegas Thursday, Angle’s campaign said she would sign the “Death Tax Repeal Pledge,” a commitment to vote against reinstating the tax, which is not in effect during 2010.
The tax, a political hot potato that has divided Democrats and Republicans, is set to increase from 45 percent to 55 percent, a level it has not reached since 2001."
Currently, in the year 2010, the tax rate is 0% but will go up to 55% after January 1, 2012. Normally, the rate is around 45%, depending on the vale of the property.
On Channel 13, Harry Reid's spokesman came out and said that Reid favors the tax and said that it loses $500 billion from the Fed's treasury. He didn't say how long it would take to "lose" $500 billion. He challenged to come up with a solution to come up with the $500 billion,
Well, here's a nice theory for Sen. Reid and his spokesman: Cut spending, you moron. Cut spending from the military. Cut spending from social welfare programs. Cut spending from the Dept. of Education. Cut spending from the legislative and administration branches. Cut spending Homeland Security. Just cut spending.
Think you can handle that, Sen. Reid and spokesman?
Lake Mendota — 5:07 p.m.
1 hour ago
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