Ok, so a liberal, Bill Clinton appointed Democrat judge threw out parts of the Arizona illegal immigrant bill. That's no surprise since the judge really wanted to suck up to Obama and his racist ilk. This is just the beginning of the battle against law breaking illegals.
For now, illegals, for the most part, can continue to break American's laws, commit more crimes, suck off the United States and states and local government's money trough, get free education and medical care along with welfare and other social services, not pay taxes and take away jobs from people already living here. The fact that the majority of Americans support Arizona means nothing to this corrupt judge.
For a good reading on why the judge is corrupt: http://corner.nationalreview.com/post/?q=ODg2MWRmNWNlOTUwNDdiMWMwNGVlZDM0YjJkM2M3Mzg=
This judge is just sucking up to the Obama administration in hopes to get a higher court appointment. Legally, there is no rational for what the judge did. But power corrupts and this judge is corrupt.
Don't Let the Door........
1 hour ago
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