What the hell is up with Dean Heller? There is a discharge petition in the House of Representatives that will begin the process to repeal Obama Care. It already has 150 GOP signatures on it but there is one noticeable absence- Dean Heller.
From wnd.com: "A plan that would enable members of the U.S. House of Representatives to repeal Obamacare – whether health care takeover advocate House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wants it or not – is continuing to gain momentum.
In just the last few days, another 17 names have been added to the discharge petition sponsored by U.S. Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa....King told WND today the entire GOP leadership team in the House is on board, as well as the full delegations from California and Texas. He's working on obtaining the last few GOP signatures before turning his attention to the Democrats." http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=182245
They have the list of GOP house members who have signed the petition and Dean Heller's name is not on the list.
So, Rep. Heller, are you a RINO or not? Why haven't you signed the petition yet?
And Dr. Joe Heck, if you were in Congress, would you have signed the petition?
About Trump's In-Vitro Fertilization
46 minutes ago
If you haven't noticed, the defiled Senator Ensign has been relegated to the sidelines and it seems that Harry has adopted Heller in his place for all combined Nevada delegation bipartisan action. The final product of getting your bipartisan legislation passed is PRAGMATISM. Welcome to the world of political compromise that was the hallmark of moderate Republicans for over 3/4 of a century.