Proving the old adage, even a blind squirrel gets a nut once in awhile, the Obama administration deserves praise for their new stance on illegals who have been arrested.
From Fox News: "The federal government meanwhile is rapidly expanding a program to identify illegal immigrants using fingerprints from arrests, drawing opposition from local authorities and advocates who argue the initiative amounts to an excessive dragnet.
The program has gotten less attention than Arizona's new immigration law, but it may end up having a bigger impact because of its potential to round up and deport so many immigrants nationwide.
Under the program, the fingerprints of everyone who is booked into jail for any crime are run against FBI criminal history records and Department of Homeland Security immigration records to determine who is in the country illegally and whether they've been arrested previously. Most jurisdictions are not included in the program, but Immigration and Customs Enforcement has been expanding the initiative.
Since 2007, 467 jurisdictions in 26 states have joined. ICE has said it plans to have it in every jail in the country by 2013. Secure Communities is currently being phased into the places where the government sees as having the greatest need for it based on population estimates of illegal immigrants and crime statistics.
Since everyone arrested would be screened, the program could easily deport more people than Arizona's new law, said Sunita Patel, an attorney who filed a lawsuit in New York against the federal government on behalf of a group worried about the program. Patel said that because illegal immigrants could be referred to ICE at the point of arrest, even before a conviction, the program can create an incentive for profiling and create a pipeline to deport more people."
This is exactly what ICE and the Department of Justice should be doing. ICE and Metro are cooperating and it has resulted in numerous deportations.
With the economy turning south and arrested criminals who are illegals being deported, we are seeing a big dent in the number off illegals here in Las Vegas and other areas of the countries.
If you go after employers who hire illegals, go after illegals who suck up social services like welfare, housing and other "benefits" reserved for people here legally and go after those who seek free medical care (after they are treated) and we will have basically resolved the problems with illegal immigration. We won't need an amnesty program that Harry Reid wants, Arizona won't need to enforce their law and states won't feel the need to pass any further laws.
So, congratulations to the Obama administration for doing this. Of course, the Hispanic voters and condescending liberals will be angry, but you are doing the right thing and it is a great start.
Lake Mendota — 5:07 p.m.
13 minutes ago
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