Harry Reid has been declared the winner, by defeating Sharron angle by around 40,000 votes. This surprises me about the large margin of victory. Harry will be pretty well neutered when goes back to Congress. He no longer will have a veto proof majority and in fact, the majority will be a coalition of blue dog Democrats and moderate to conservative Republicans. He may not even be majority leader.
Joe Heck is leading by about 2000 votes, or by about 1%. I still think he is still going to win.
Pollsters. before the election had Reid losing by about 4% and Heck leading by 10%. Obviously, the pollsters need to refine their skills here in Nevada.
Another sign of good news, voters will still be electing judges, as Question 1 went down in flames.
update- The Sun just called the race for Heck.
Apparently, we will not be getting an appeals court.
Brian Sandoval defeated Rory Reid for governor. But I will give credit to Rory Reid as he had the nicest speech of the night as he asked the media and members of his party to leave the Sandoval family alone, especially the family. That was a very classy act by Reid.
The GOP picked up at least 60 seats in the House of Representatives and six seats in the Senate.
Stupidest comment of the night: “Voters sent a message that change has not happened fast enough,” said Tim Kaine, chairman of the Democratic National Committee"
Umm, yeah, that' s the message voters sent by sending the GOP to lead. Tim Kaine must have been drinking some very strong Kool Aide.
Back in my home state of Wisconsin, the GOP took over two seat that have been in Democrats hands forever (at least 25 years) "Snarlin" Marlin Schneider of Wisconsin Rapids lost to Scott Krug. Schneider was the longest serving Assemblyman in the history of Wisconsin and he went down in flames.
David Obey's seat went to GOP Scott Duffy, who beat the liberal candidate, Julie Lassa. Obey was in the House for about 25 or more years, but he saw the tidal wave coming and retired. Duffy was a former reality star who was the DA up in Ashland, I believe.
In Wisconsin, the State really went Red as they picked up 2 House seats from the Dem's and the governor. They also took back the Senate and the Assembly. Too bad that didn't happen in Nevada.
In Alaska, Lisa Murkowski is waging a successful write in campaign as she leads by about 7000 votes. In second place is the GOP candidate, so that seat will remain Republican, no matter who wins. However, we will not know who wins this race any time soon.
In California, the voters decided to commit political suicide and elected Jerry Brown as governor. My guess is that Nevada will be getting a lot of new businesses from California as many companies will decide to leave California because of upcoming huge tax increases and more regulation. The first thing Brian Sandoval ought to do is start sending letters and making commercials in an attempt to steal companies from California and bring them to Nevada. They can start with the trucking industry.
So, not a bad night for the GOP. A little disappointed that Harry Reid is still in office, but he will be like a neutered dog because he will not have the numbers on his side and he will have to work with a GOP majority in the House.
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