Rick Santorum was visiting North Dakota and made these observations: From the Minot Daily News:
He said the Obama administration treats North Dakota like a "liability," and sees extracting carbons from the ground as "causing a problem."
"That is unfortunately how some people see what is going on here in the Bakken," Santorum said. "There isn't any other reason that I can fathom that the president of the United States wouldn't authorize a pipeline that takes this incredibly valuable sweet crude to the refineries that are in desperate need of it."
Santorum told the audience that on his first day in office, he would sign documents for the commencement of the pipeline, which was met with loud applause. He also pledged to repeal over-regulation of the energy industry.
He also said he would support a transportation bill that would create more highways that would benefit goods and commerce.
And he slammed regulations that some farmers believe hinder agriculture.
"I don't know of anybody who's a farmer or rancher - or a manufacturer - who doesn't care more about the quality of life in their community than a bureaucrat in Washington, D.C.," Santorum said.
He told the audience that the support of our allies, such as Israel, is paramount to our national security. He warned that thinking that North Dakota is isolated from the dangers of terrorism caused by a nuclear-armed Iran is a falsehood.
"Folks, you've got energy here," Santorum said. "They're going to bother you." http://www.minotdailynews.com/page/content.detail/id/563083/Santorum-gains-support--GOP-candidate-visits-N-D--to-sway-voters.html?nav=5010
I'm glad Santourum is focusing on Obama rather than dealing with Mitt Romney. Romney is not the enemy, Obama is and states like North Dakota- states that are successful, Red and full of oil are going to be targeted by the Obama administration for additional taxes, regulations and just plain harassment.
Santorum has figured out Obama and the evil that Obama represents. It's not even a liberal vs conservative fight, it really is about evil (Obama) and good (Santorum).
And when you add in the commercials that will be sure to come, it will be the triple evil- Obama, Reid and Pelosi vs Sanortum and ... crap Boehner and McConnell? Crap, the GOP needs some more exciting leaders. But no matter who the GOP leaders, they are certainly better than Obama, Reid and Pelosi.
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2 hours ago
Typical disgusting racist, bigot! I thought Americans were above that, but I guess not. And those same people who have been conned into believing that he's a muslim when in fact you are just a racist, bigoted scum!
ReplyDeleteHe has been more of an oligarch, corporatist, or fascist rather than being anything close to a socialist or communist…Just follow the money…..The REAL racist, bigot is YOU! a-hole!
On what earthly basis do you make such a claim? Name one “evil” thing he’s done. Just one. That’s easy, because they are hate-filled racists! The scumbags here Believes anyone that does not look like him is Evil. Spoken like a racist and a refugee from the fact challenged Fox News.
◦You know he’s not a Socialist. ◦You know he’s not a Nazi. ◦You know he’s not a Muslim. ◦You know he’s a U.S. citizen. ◦You know there are no death panels. ◦You know the economy crashed under W. ◦You know government isn’t any bigger than it was under W. ◦You know there’s no conspiracy to turn the U.S. communist.
But you repeat these ridiculous lies anyway, because you can’t say the real reason you hate Obama: YOU CAN’T STAND A BLACK MAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE
Well, annon, i guess in you pointey headed world, one could never questipon a black man because they are black. That is really very racist, that a black man can do no wrong.
DeleteHow about the fact that Obama, just because of his policies, has thrown hundreds of thousands of people out of work. How about the fact that he and his government has taken control of so many aspects of our life- and that is evil. how many people have died because people cannot afford the food prices or go to work because of Obama's policies- that is evil.
So, in reality, you are the racist. When you can admit that black people can fail and can be evil then maybe you will stoip being such a racist.