Wednesday, August 22, 2012

CCSD School Board Members Stealing Handicapped Parking Places

Tonight, when I went to Foothill High School, in Henderson (by Hwy 95 and College) I noticed that two school board members and Fotthill Administration had a Stephen Horsford moment of blocking handicapped parking spaces and using the spaces for themselves.
There are two handicapped parking spaces by the gymnasium and close to the football field that face east and they were covered with the following sign:  "CCSD Trustee Reserved Parking:" and it was underneath the "Reserved For" (Yeah, the pictures suck, but if you look really close to the left picture, you will see No Parking CCSD Trustee and the picture on the right shows the tape over a handicapped parking sign, next to the other sign and I had seen the sign earlier in the day)

The signs were taped on the sign with a heavy amount of masking tape.  One sign was torn off, probably by the rain or by a person.  The other sign was still attached to the Handicapped Parking sign.
I am not a legal expert, but I would think this still would be illegal parking, even though the sign was covering the handicapped parking sign, it still is a designated handicapped parking space.
So, obviously, whoever the school board trustees were who went to Foothill today decided that they were more important than people who are handicapped.  It disgusts me to think that these trustee members had to park closer to the school, maybe to get out of the rain quicker but make a disabled person walk farther in the rain..
As for the Administration at Foothill, the question is did they do this on orders from CCSD administrators or did they do this on their own so they would look important to the School Board trustees?
Either way, it is wrong and it is shameful that an elected official would decide they are that important that they can park wherever they want.

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