Once again, the Las Vegas Sun, a supposed newspaper once again is hiding Crybaby Harry Reid's embarrassing and erratic behavior.
Earlier today, Reid said that the name of McCarren Airport should be changed because: "Pat McCarran was one of the most anti-Semitic ... one of the most
anti-black, one of the most prejudiced people ever to serve in the
Senate," Reid said. http://www.lvrj.com/business/reid-change-name-of-mccarran-international-airport-167363525.html
A couple posts ago, I mentioned that McCarren was not anti-Semitic nor racist or at least nothing showed when you Googled it.
Further, the most anti-Semitic and anti-black compared to Robert Byrd or Jesse Helms?
Anyways, this is news that has been reported by the media in Las Vegas including the LVRJ and the television and radio news.
But once again, The Las Vegas Sun has refused to write an article showing how mentally disturbed Reid is. They also refused to mention anything about when Reid lied about Mitt Romney and his taxes even though it was a local and national story.
My guess the editor, Brian :Coward"Greenspun has put out an order to protect Reid and his senility. When Obama came to Las Vegas, Reid walked down the airplane steps unsteadily and looked horrible.
So, once again, the Las Vegas Sun shows it's extreme liberal bias by protecting Reid. Fortunately, the readership and lack of sponsors for the Sun show that they are becoming very irrelevant, and that is a good thing.
Sunrise — 7:04, 7:10, 7:17.
8 hours ago
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