Monday, August 27, 2012

Holy Hotel Hell: Gordon Ramsey Tries To Stupidly Play Super Hero

Gordon Ramsey is starting up a new show, Hotel Hell where he tries save a failed hotel.  Ramsey is a good actor and a good chef but a poor emergency medical worker.
The chef at the hotel collapsed on the floor from an unknown cause at the time and the first emergency responder says  is to give the chef some water.  Huh?  Never give water to a person who collapses from an unknown cause.  That could make the situation worse if the patient chokes the water down into their lungs
Now, was the scene staged and Ramsey wanted to play the hero or was it a real scene and Ramsey wanted to be a hero and tried to kill the chef.?
Either way, Ramsey was quite stupid and hopefully, no one will follow his medical advice.

1 comment:

  1. That could make the las vegas situation worse if the patient chokes the water down into their lungs
