Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Obama Stealing From The Cities

From the Seattle Times: Local law-enforcement agencies spent nearly $100,000 in overtime to protect President Obama during a fundraising trip to the Seattle area last month, according to records released by the groups involved in the effort.
The roughly $98,500 tab, which won't be reimbursed, could have been much higher — the largest security force in the presidential motorcade, the Washington State Patrol, adjusted its schedules, shifting troopers from regular duties to avoid what would have been an additional $60,000 in overtime.
The single largest overtime tab came from the Bellevue Police Department, which paid $28,817 extra to some 60 officers involved in securing the Hilton Bellevue Hotel, where the president spent the night.
In all, dozens of employees from nine local agencies were involved in security for the July 24-25 visit, Obama's sixth to the state as president. Although the Secret Service coordinated the protection effort, local agencies also had to spend hours helping to craft a 72-page incident plan, officials said.
If Obama came to a city just to fund raise or for political reasons, then the Obama campaign should reimburse the local communities and the same for Romney.
Further, it makes good political sense.  If one party pays it's bills, that would impress the undecided more than if a candidate stiffs a city.  It has been shown that Romney does pay his bills while Obama does not, so if Romney keeps this up, it will help him and if Obama stiff's the city, he looks pretty bad..

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