Once again, Crybaby Harry Reid has embarrassed Nevada again with a senile rant about Sen. Pat McCarren today.
From the LVRJ: At a ceremony Friday morning at McCarran International's Terminal 3,
U.S. Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., cast his lot with those who would like to
remove the name of former U.S. Sen. Pat McCarran from the airport.
acknowledged that he did not have a role in the decision - that role
rests with the Clark County Commission because the county owns owns and
operates the airport. Nevertheless, Reid made his feelings clear in
response to a question.
"Pat McCarran was one of the most
anti-Semitic ... one of the most anti-black, one of the most prejudiced
people ever to serve in the Senate," Reid said. "It's not a decision I
am going to make, but you asked me to give you my opinion. I don't think
his name should be on anything." http://www.lvrj.com/business/reid-change-name-of-mccarran-international-airport-167363525.html
Except, McCarren was anti-Semitic. From Online Nevada: When Nevada-born Jew Samuel Platt was running for the U.S. Senate in 1940, there was idle speculation within Senator Patrick McCarran's
camp that Platt's ethnicity could prove to be a negative factor among
voters. In view of the many other Jews elected to public office in the
twentieth century, Platt's several losses at the national level were
largely the result of his go-it-alone Republican politics. As for
McCarran's alleged anti-Semitism, he tended to identify Jews as
Communists. A recent biographer has characterized his views as "casual"
and typical of the times. Several Nevada Jews were close to McCarran.
Mort Saiger, McCarran's Las Vegas chauffer, considered him a friend.
Eddie Ginsberg of Reno's Home Furniture store was an honorary pall
bearer at McCarran's funeral, for which he was reproached by the local
B'nai B'rith lodge and the Anti-Defamation League. McCarran's
anti-Jewish bias may have been one borne of his religious upbringing and
not directed to Jews he actually knew. http://www.onlinenevada.org/anti_semitism_in_nevada
As far as being anti-black? Where, Harry, is the evidence that McCarren was anti-black? And the most anti-black to serve in the Senate? Really, senile Harry, more anti-black and anti-Semitic than KKK member, Robert Byrd? How about Jesse Helms, who the left hates.
I really think Harry Reid has lost it mentally. He is a disgrace to Nevada and now he is making things up while trashing people's reputations.
Harry Reid needs to go. Somebody from the Democratic Party needs to go to Reid and tell him to resign because he is not mentally fit to serve as Senator. Right now, Reid is a danger to people's reputations and to the livelihoods of Nevadans.
Reason and Logic
1 hour ago
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