Shelly Berkley is an unethical and sleazy politician who loves to lie and bring people down. Her sights this time is Dean Heller, who is her opponent in the U.S. Senate race in Nevada.
In her latest commercial, Berkley, she says that Dean Heller has never been for the people of Nevada.
Really Shelly? Seriously?
Let's see what kind of votes Heller has made that hurt Nevada:
Voted for the Veterans Jobs Bill
Voted to repeal the ethanol subsidy
Voted to extend Unemployment benefits and extend the payroll tax holiday (he voted with the Democrats)
Cut the budget of the House
Extend Bush tax cuts
Voted for a resolution in honoring the Aurora shooting victims.
Voted for a resolution for honoring the firefighters and others fighting the wildfires.
Now, maybe Berkley was confused and was thinking about Harry Reid, who really doesn't stand for the people of Nevada, when she made that commercial.
But once again, Shelly Berkley shows what a sleazy and unethical politician she really is. These kind of commercials are going to turn off voters and I believe she is going to lose in a landslide.
Sunrise — 7:04, 7:10, 7:17.
7 hours ago
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