Remember when George Bush's was nearing the end of his presidential run and some liberals speculated that Bush might try and find a way to retain his presidency and not allow Obama to take over? No, well I do remember some of the the conspiracy theories out there, like bush using an executive order to stay as president.
Well, tit for tat. What will happen if President Obama loses the November election and he doesn't want to leave the White House?
The Lane Conservative Forum has a nice article about the different scenarios. Will Obama step down or will he try and stay? Well, in New York City, Michael Bloomberg is serving in his third term as mayor even though NYC has term limits and Bloomberg exceeded his term limit.
From Lane Conservative Forum: Let’s go there: if Obama thinks he’s losing, will he allow safe and
fair elections on November 6? And if he does lose, will he peacefully
turn over power to Mitt Romney on January 20, 2013? Or will he cling to
power “by any means necessary,” as a highly placed insider alleges?
Now, I’m truly sorry to raise such disgusting, un-American,
crazy-sounding questions, but, alas, they’re not crazy, and I’ve got a
disquieting amount of evidence. The Democrats have already accused
Romney of murdering a woman with cancer, financial felonies, and not
filing taxes for ten years — the last charge delivered by Senate
Majority Leader Harry Reid on the Senate floor, on the basis of
absolutely no evidence whatsoever....
Super-High-Level Trial Balloons
USA Today reported that on September 27, 2011, Governor Beverly Perdue, Democrat of North Carolina, told a Rotary Club audience, “I think we ought to suspend, perhaps, elections for Congress for two years and just tell them we won’t hold it against them, whatever decisions they make, to just let them help this country recover[.] … You want people who don’t worry about the next election.” When outrage greeted her suggestion, she retreated to the standard defense: she was just joking. What a kidder!
Meanwhile, that same month, Peter Orszag, Obama’s former director of the Office of Management and Budget, published an article in The New Republic titled
“Too Much of A Good Thing: Why We Need Less Democracy.” In it, he
posited that the country was too polarized; hence, “radical as it
sounds, we need to counter the gridlock of our political institutions by
making them a bit less democratic.”....
“Whom Does the Government Intend to Shoot?”
That’s the question recently posed by retired Major General Jerry Curry in the Daily Caller,
in light of horrifying reports that the Social Security Administration
is buying 174,000 rounds of hollow-point bullets for distribution to 41
locations in the U.S.
According to Major General Curry, Social Security’s ammo spree
follows the purchase by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA) of 46,000 rounds of hollow-point ammunition. Will
they be shooting fish in a barrel?
Most terrifying of all, Major General Curry reports that the
Department of Homeland Security ordered 750 million rounds of
hollow-point ammunition in March, then subsequently ordered an
additional 750 million rounds, including bullets capable of penetrating
“This is enough ammunition to empty five rounds into the body of
every living American citizen,” writes Major General Curry, who wonders
what plan might require “so many dead Americans.”....
Obama may not be fond of governing, but he certainly does enjoy issuing executive orders — 135 so far. As American Thinker‘s Warren Beatty points
out, these little-reported edicts reveal an all-too-predictable
pattern: concentrating all national power and resources in Obama’s
hands, in case of “emergency.”
So far, Obama has granted himself the right to control all transportation,
including highways, airports, seaports, and railroads, and all modes of
communication, storage facilities, electrical power, gas, petroleum,
fuels, and minerals.....
Normally, presidents don’t want to endanger American citizens and
military personnel by leaking top-secret information — but aiding and
abetting the enemy is apparently all in a day’s work for Obama.
And so, if he wants to stir up trouble before the election, either at
home or abroad, he’ll have plenty of enemy partners to help. First,
he’s got the Russians, to whose president he was caught whispering on a
hot mic about missile defense, “This is my last election[.] … After my
election, I have more flexibility.”
Second, Obama is this close to the Muslim Brotherhood,
who are world-class experts on unleashing political violence. Obama
helped the Muslim Brotherhood ascend to power in Egypt, Tunisia,
Morocco, and Libya, and he’s placed its operatives in the highest levels
of the American government. Surely, such clever characters as Huma Abedin, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s deputy chief of staff, and Mohamed Elibiary, a Homeland Security Advisory committee member, can be trusted to think up some exciting turmoil to apply where needed.
And finally, close to home, Obama can rely on the Sinaloa drug cartel in
Mexico, whom he supplied with thousands of guns. Gratefully, they used
their American taxpayer-funded AK-47s to wipe out rival drug gangs and
to murder Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. Attorney General Eric Holder
is presently in contempt of Congress for refusing to turn over
documents on Operation Fast and Furious, and Obama (“President Transparency”) has claimed executive privilege to withhold them.
The greatest asset of Obama and his investors has been their
warp-speed audacity. We’re too stunned to believe what’s happening in
front of our eyes, and too embarrassed to mention it. Who wants to
speak up and be ridiculed as an unhinged paranoid, marching with the
tinfoil hat brigade?
But our best bet — perhaps our only bet — is to frankly confront this
ugly reality. As Iran prepares to go nuclear and the global economy
teeters, any number of “national emergencies” can suddenly erupt,
demanding unprecedented measures by Obama to “save” us. We must be
prepared with skepticism, outrage, and defiance of any actions to
deprive us of our Constitutional rights.
If Obama is losing, will he start something? If Obama loses, will he give up power? You would think and hope that nothing illegal would happen.
But by any means necessary is the Obama mantra and we have seen in Wisconsin and through the Occupy movement, anything can happen including violence, protests, lawsuits and other strange things.
These are strange times politically in our country and us conservatives need to be prepared for any scenario.
Sunrise — 7:04, 7:10, 7:17.
8 hours ago
Interesting article. All that time put into it and nobody is discussing it. That's gotta blow.