Sunday, September 9, 2012

Interesting: Romney Going To Increase Building Navy Ships

From the Richmond Times Dispatch: When Mitt Romney went to the NASCAR race in Richmond tonight, he said the following: n Hampton Roads, a military stronghold, Romney also emphasized the importance of a strong Navy and Air Force. He said America must have a military so strong that no foe would consider testing it.
Romney said America is creating about nine ships a year, and that he would increase it to 15 ships as president.
"It's time to have a rebuilding of our Navy to make sure it's the strongest in the world and it fulfills our missions," he said.
I am one conservative who does think the military budget could be cut and still have a world class fighting force.  Especially when the Navy has turned into a floating social work/medical military group.(see their recruiting commercials)  So, do we really need 15 new Navy ships a year?  If so, then prove it and convince us stupid conservatives who think the military budget is too big and can be cut.  (as an aside, I still have no idea why we have a Naval Air Station in Fallon, NV, in the frickin desert)
Anyways, if Romney can prove we need an extra 6 ships a year, great, but don't make promises you can't keep, like some idiot president we have in office now.

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