Sunday, November 20, 2016

Payback Is A Bitch

A day after some irrelevant moron actor in from the New York version of the play "Hamilton ", decided it was his place to lecture soon to be Vice President  Mike Pence about politics, a patron of the arts in Chicago turned the tables on the moron New York actor and disrupted the Chicago version of the play.
From the Chicago Tribune: An audience disruption took place at the Saturday evening production of "Hamilton" at the PrivateBank Theatre in downtown Chicago.
According to audience member Brea Hayes of Batavia, who was at the performance, an audience member seated in the front of the balcony shouted profanities and election-related political statements after the cast sang the line, "Immigrants / We get the job done," which is part of the show's "Yorktown (The World Turned Upside Down)" number....

Tribune reporter Jodi Cohen, who was seated in the dress circle at the performance, said that the disruption from the man above lasted for two songs. Cohen also said that the "Hamilton" actors seemed strikingly somber during the bows at the end of the show.
This is what happens when you think you are being strong and smug, like the NY actor but in reality, you are just an arrogant prickly who never thought of the consequences of his actions. Anyone with a 1st grade education knew there would be retaliation and it happened.
And I am glad the retaliation happened.  It's time to take on the liberal arrogant pricks.

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