Monday, July 12, 2010

Jon Ralston Admits His Bias

It's not everyday when you have a journalist, a supposed hard hitting interviewer, admit their bias in print, but Jon Ralston in his latest story in the Las Vegas Sun admits he threw softballs to Harry Reid during a 1:1 interview.
From Ralston via the Sun: "And in a wide-ranging interview Friday on “Face to Face,” the majority leader said many interesting things, with a little prodding from the gentle host:"
Jon, when it comes to interviewing, were you a gentle host when you interviewed Sharron Angle? No, you asked tough questions. Then why not the same standard for Harry Reid?
Ralston didn't challenge Reid and he seemed like a school girl when Harry gave his answers. In his article, he even attacked Sharron Angle without asking Reid for comment.
Jon Ralston has shown his liberal bias time and time again. Stop saying you are a journalist. You give honest journalists a bad name and they deserve better.


  1. Thank you and the same back to you. Thanks for stopping by to say that.

  2. Anyone who works on Channel 3 has to have a liberal outlook as a prerequisite to working there. I would like to know if it's true that Jon "Squeaky" Ralston had anything to do with getting Heidi Harris, former talkshow host on 702 am, fired. Before her ousting, Heidi stated that Jon Ralson used to harrass her relentlessly.
