I've probably watched the Wizard of Oz 100 time or more in my lifetime, and it just brings back a flood of memories and useless knowledge.
When I was about 5 years old and until I was about 7 years old, I could not watch the scenes with the Wicked Witch of the West because I was so scared of her and I ended up under my parents covers, hiding in fear.
When I was in about 7th grade, I acted in a play in Wauwatosa, WI., and I played the part of a flying monkey. No lines, thank goodness other than squeals. We would travel throughout the school district and put on plays for the kids in the elementary schools. It was a lot of fun except for 1 thing: When there were songs, like Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead, the people not on stage were encouraged to sing, which I did. But then the director of our play told me to shut up because I sang badly and that was the end of my singing.. Ever. Maybe I will mouth the words to a song in Church, but that's about it.
Anyways, did you know that the premire of the Wizard of Oz wasnot in Hoillywood or New York, but in Oconomowoc, WI.? Yep, it's true:
A groundbreaking movie that some may consider the most popular and greatest in the history of the cinema didn't hit a theater in Hollywood or New York, but in the western Milwaukee suburb of Oconomowoc.
"It's a fact we take pride in," said Craig Pruscha, who founded Moonlit Movies - a group re-showing the movie Thursday night in Downtown Oconomowoc.
The amazing fact is, MGM didn't take much pride in a movie which they thought might be a bust, so they decided upon Oconomowoc instead of the big red carpet treatment in Tinseltown.
"Oconomowoc was one of three locations that was selected to be a soft marketing launch for the world premiere in 1939," explained Pruscha. Kenosha was another soft launch site chosen.
And only just a few few years ago, I finally figured out what the witch's guardsmen were saying when they entered the castle: "Oh We Love The Old One".
Finally, I found a YouTube video of goofs in the movie you may find interesting:
The Wizard of Oz is a great film, that affected my life but it is still fun to watch.
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