Sunday, March 25, 2012

Las Vegas Blacks For florida Victim, Not Las Vegas's Victims

From the Las Vegas Sun:  It’s been one month since a Neighborhood Watch captain fatally shot an unarmed, black teen wearing a hooded sweatshirt in Florida, sparking a cry for justice across the nation. Las Vegas followed suit Sunday afternoon, as 100 people, many donning hooded sweatshirts, gathered outside Raw Remedies, 203 E. Colorado Ave., seeking answers for what happened to 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. Police in Sanford, Fla., have not arrested or charged the shooter, 28-year-old George Zimmerman, who claimed he was acting in self-defense.
“We wanted to show some solidarity here in Vegas and make sure this doesn’t happen here,” said Desirée Duncan, who helped organize the event. Similar gatherings occurred in cities nationwide this weekend.
Attendees in Las Vegas acknowledged that Martin easily could have been their brother, cousin, nephew or friend.
Umm, there have been many victims in Las Vegas and these people are not marching for them.  Why not?  Remember the name Betty Pinkney?
And this comment:   Now, Banks frequently calls her sons, who attend college in Oklahoma, to check on their safety, and she has decided against attending law school in Florida.
Banks said her decision stems from Florida authorities’ handling of the investigation. Earlier this month, authorities released 911 recordings that revealed dispatchers told Zimmerman not to follow Martin.
What, you  are going to give up a law career because of some bozos down in Florida?  My guess is that Banks was not going to Florida in the first place, but she suckered a reporter who is probably pretty gullible.
So, hopefully, these people protesting in front of TV cameras will also decide to protest for the innocent murder victims in Las Vegas and they can start with protesting why the Betty Pinkney murder is not being solved because of the code of silence by the youth in the Valley.


  1. I so agree. Besides they don't know the whole story only what the liberal media wants them to hear. Let this work thru the justice system before passing judgement. One person Commented on FB "the fact is he is dead". Really cause there are ALOT of people who are dead. UNBELIEVABLE.

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  3. I so agree. Besides they don't know the whole story only what the liberal media wants them to hear. Let this work thru the justice system before passing judgement. 

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