Shelly, please, just shut up, for the sake of humanity- stop making yourself sound so stupid,
From the Las Vegas Sun: Her petition opened her up to criticism from both conservative critics who questioned why she didn’t move to silence liberal talk show host Bill Maher for using similar language against Republican Sarah Palin as well as from freedom of speech advocates.
“It is troubling, however, that a member of Congress, whose job includes protecting our most basic rights, among them free speech, is trying to convince radio stations to silence one of the most successful radio talkers of the day,” the Reno Gazette-Journal wrote in a recent editorial.
Berkley shrugged off the criticism, launching into a heated defense of Fluke.
“After three days of just destroying this woman, this law student, who had the temerity of wanting to speak to a congressional hearing, talking about an issue she was very familiar with, probably far more so than the five men sitting at the witness table … he decided to give a back door apology to this woman,” Berkley said.
“We need to stand up for ourselves as women around this country.”
Berkley drew a distinction between Maher and Limbaugh, saying one is an entertainer and the other is tantamount to a Republican operative.
“If you cross Rush Limbaugh and you’re a Republican office holder, then you have to crawl over and kiss his ring,” Berkley said. “There’s a big difference between what is being said by Bill Maher and his humor, although I don’t find that funny, and what Rush Limbaugh does, who pretty much calls the shots in the Republican Party.”
Really, Shelly, every GOP politican has to go through Rush Limbaugh? What size of tin foil hat are you wearing these days? And there is a difference between Bill Maher and Rush Limbaugh? They are both entertainers, Shelly, the only difference is that
Maher goes after conservatives and Limbaugh goes after liberals.
But in Shelly's skewed wortld, only liberals are good and all conservatives are bad.
Earth to Shelly Berkley, put down the tin foil hats, take your medicine your husband gives you for insanity and take a long, long vacation at the Lakes Crossing.
Sunrise — 6:34, 6:41, 6:47, 6:59.
3 hours ago
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