The family went to the NASCAR Sprint Car race in Las Vegas on Sunday and we had a great time, until it was time to leave.
We stayed around in the parking lot to let the traffic clear out and eat some snacks. The folks who were parked next to us decided to light up their pot pipes and smoke right next to my wife Cathy and the kids and I was in search of the closest port a pottie.
I tried to find a Metro cop, but none were around, apparently once the race was over, they thought their job was over as well.
Well, my kids, even though they are teenagers, are still pretty innocent and they thought it smelled like a very strange BBQ.
I just wonder what kind of people these idiots were, that they would lite up a couple of pot pipes in front of a family out in the open?
It used to be that people would smoke pot in private, now people are so full of themselves and totally inconsiderate of others, that they feel they can smoke pot whenever and where ever they want to. Their license plate said they were from California, so maybe that may have something to do with it, but come on, has pot fried their brain so much that they don't a crap about other people?
Sunrise — 6:34, 6:41, 6:47, 6:59.
1 hour ago
I bet you wouldnt care if it was beer. And that would have been the same thing. I think you are full of your self. Pepole act worse on beer and you know it and if you dont you should zip it bud