The writers at the Pahrump Valley Times are a strange breed. They pretend they are muckrakers, but they really are not. They have an agenda and if the PVT likes you, they will go to the mat for you, even if it makes them look stupid. And if they do not like you (conservatives) they will go after you.
Well, the PVT is at it again, defending a judge, who at best, is not very bright and at the worst, biased to the point of having to be kicked off of cases and could be guilty of misconduct.
From the comment section of the PVT:
Comment removed.Stay on topic and the topic is Judge Wanker being human and making the same mistake in her comments about Robbins, that Robbins made in his comments to his wife about her… not Robbins innocence or guilt.
So,in the small minds at the PVT, the comments by Judge Wanker and the defendant, Daniel Robbins are the moral equivalent. So does the PVT think Wanker is as bad as Robbins? Or does the PVT think Robbins is an upstanding citizen as the Judge is supposed to be?
Judge Wanker swore an oath to be impartial and be held to high standards. The defendant, Robbins, has not sworn an oath to be impartial or held to high standards. Further, Robbins was exercising his free speech, which he is entitled to.
Wanker,when she became a judge, lost some free speech rights. She cannot make comments that will question her impartiality, for instance.
There is no moral equivalence between what Wanker said and what Robbins said, but the PVT just doesn't that.
Of course, when I tried to show the PVT the errors they made, they responded like they usually do- they refused to print my comment. How they hate to be shown up by a little old blogger who has high readership than the PVT does.
I think the writers at the PVT think the citizens of Pahrump Nye County are just a bunch of uneducated hicks and that the writers at the PVT much smarter than they are. In reality, most, if not all, of the writers at the PVT are just a bunch of elitist snobs.
Backlog Brad Schimel Jumps The Shark
1 hour ago
WOW that was awesome I an so sick of the liberal media. And if they read the motion correctly they would see this occurred Oct 31 not Feb 6 what frigging morons. Even judge Lane said the PVT writers are far from journalists.