Saturday, March 24, 2012

Liberal Hate On Display

From the CBS web site in regards to Dick Cheney receiving a heart transplant, here are some of the comments from the peanut liberal gallery:
It must have taken 20 months to find another heart black enough for him.
No matter which side of the political fence you are on, LIFE IS PRECIOUS.
Tell that to Cheney... the killer of more than 100,000 innocents
Organ donor, sure ... probably had someone killed and stole their heart
Shame on YOU!
Every minute this demon lives is a curse on the world. Have you no honor?? We are talking about the person who lied this country into wars that took the lives of more than 100,000 innocents simply so he could pass 'no bid' contracts to his company. This creature is just as evil as Hitler was, and you praise him...

ou Baggers and Wingnuts can call me anything you want, but this SOB is the most vile and evil creature that has fouled the earth in all of my 65 years. He is a war profiteer. Thousands upon thousands of innocents have died simply so this demon could have more money. I sincerely hope that this miserable excuse for a human suffers a horrible and painful death... and very soon.
I can't stand this bastard and don't know anyone who can! Only an EVIL person can continue to live as long as he has with a faulty heart.;commentWrapper

And here I thought that the liberals were supposed kind and compassionate.  I guess not, just a bunch of hate filled jerks.

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