The Democrat Party has no shame or ethics. First Crybaby/Liar Harry Reid makes false accusations about Mitt Romney and his taxes and then a Democratic strategist/sleazeball defends Reid for his lies and deciet and says it is crafty.
From the Las Vegas Sun: While he won’t reveal his source, Reid has only grown more confident
in his accusations about Romney’s tax returns since he first started
levying them in floor speeches and interviews a few weeks ago.
“I think he’s honestly performing as an attack dog for the campaign,
and I think he’s doing a marvelous job,” said Dan Hart, a Democratic
strategist in Las Vegas. “Romney’s put himself in a very bad position
where Reid can throw these things out there, and he can’t refute them
without putting out his tax returns ... it’s pretty crafty.
Dan Hart is a crackpot who obviously has not one ethical bone in his body. Hey, who cares there is no evidence, according to Hart, as long as we score political points. I bet Hart, as a child, enjoyed seeing pet puppies being slaughtered one limb at a time, as they barked in pain when a neighborhood bully killed them in a slow and painful death. He may have even skinned a cat alive, based on his behavior as an adult.
Obviously, Reid is lying. If Romney is violating the law, the IRS would be all over him.
Reid is just a horrible human being, willing to destroy a man's reputation only for politics.
When Reid dies, he is going to spend an eternity in hell for all the harm and hurt he has caused people, including his wife. He has put the Senate ahead of his wife when she was seriously injured in a car accident and when she was diagnosed with cancer.
The end of Crybaby/Coward/liar/horrible human Reid being cannot come to soon as a senator from Nevada/Washington D.C.. Hopefully, he will resign when he loses the Senate majority leadership in November.
"People who have insight."
2 hours ago
How do we know that Reid's statements about Romney are wrong? Romney could refute what he says--assuming it's wrong--by releasing his tax returns. Also, Romney has proven to be a liar himself, repeatedly, so I wouldn't hold him out as a victim here. Example #1: "You didn't build that. . ." way out of context.
ReplyDeleteI guess you don't believe in the concept of innocent until being proven guilty. There is not 1 shred of evidence that Romney didn't pay taxes.
ReplyDeleteReid and your argument are the same kind of argument that the birthers make.
If he didn't pay taxes than how did he already release 2 years worth? Reid is a coward and will not make these statements off the Senate floor where he can be sued for libel.