It's nice to see a genuinely nice family man become the vice president candidate for the GOP. Pauly Ryan is an excellent choice to be the vice president.
Ryan wasn't my first choice to VP but then Romney wasn't my first choice for president, but it is what it is and I support both of them now.
First, Ryan knows Congress and has been there long enough to know where some skeletons are hidden (yeah, I'm looking at you, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid) but he is also a policy wonk and knows about the budgets of the Untied States, unlike Obama, Biden and Reid.
But he is also a family man and without scandal, not that means anything to the liberals and Democrats. I just hope that the Ryan family will be able to withstand all the crap the liberal attack dogs will sling against them. All the pretend scandals will be presented against Ryan- from trying to kill seniors and the disabled with Medicare reform (they'll probably even come up with a body) to how he is against the working man and woman by being from Wisconsin and connected to Scott Walker, but Ryan can make it an advantage, if he does it wisely, by not backing down and not running away from the issue.
And if there any questions about his ability to be president of the United States, just look at Vice President Joe Biden and the answer is obviously, yes.
So, good luck to Paul Ryan.
Sunrise — 6:22, 6:43, 6:49, 6:50.
1 hour ago
I can't wait to see Paul Ryan debate Joe. Go Romney-Ryan.