So, a bunch of brain dead liberal politicians are crying like babies because Indian passed a bill that outlawed discrimination against Chrisitians and other faiths.
From Fox News:
The backlash to Indiana's new religious freedom law grew Monday, even as state lawmakers move to clarify the legislation, with Wash. Gov. Jay Inslee and Seattle Mayor Ed Murray banning government-funded travel to Indiana.
The statements are the latest boycott threats to emerge over claims that the law has the potential to discriminate against gays and others.
Murray, a Democrat who is openly gay, issued his ban via executive order over the weekend, and Inslee issued his Monday afternoon.
Oh, boo hoo.
I'm pretty sure that no one from the Seattle government was going to Indiana any time so.
Same with the government employees of Washington.
They are just grandstanding.
But these liberal morons have decided that's ok to discriminate against Christians who happen to believe that people who engage in gay sex are engaging in sin.
So, they are just as bigoted as the those who support the law.
The only reason this law was necessary was because Christians were being forced to choose between their religion and the bigots in government who discriminate against them.
So, while some liberal morons won't go to Indiana, many more others, who support the law, will take their place.
What a lovely world we live in.
Sunrise — 7:07, 7:20, 7:22.
21 minutes ago
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