The U. S House of Representatives are fiddling while America falls apart before our eyes.
The House is debating the health care bill, which will add hundreds of billions of dollars to the country's deficit.
Meanwhile, the unemployment rate is around 17.5%, with millions of Americans out of work. Meanwhile the Obama administration completely lies about the numbers about how the stimulus saved or created jobs, losing creditability among the public.
Because millions are not working or working reduced hours, federal income tax revenues are down sharply, causing the deficit to grow. Income taxes to states that do have a state income tax are down sharply as well, causing more headaches to those states.
Meanwhile the slowly going bankrupt Social Security is now going towards bankruptcy rapidly. With those jobs gone, social security taxes collected is now reduced and those people who were at retirement age and were laid off probably have decided to take their social security checks.
Meanwhile, prices are going up. Gas prices in Vegas have gone up about 15 cents a gallon in the past couple of weeks. Food prices are going up at Wal-Mart- only nickels and dimes, but percentage wise, it is about 10% or more in some cases on many items. So, the families that are struggling with the basics are struggling even more with the basics.
Property taxes are going up in many areas of the country, so homeowners that are struggling struggle even more to pay more taxes to stay in their houses, while apartment dwellers will see their rents raised. We will see our expenses rise and we will cut back, causing more unemployment problems.
There are very few signs that the economy will be getting any better or unemployment will go down anytime soon.
But does Congress or Obama care? Nope. They are doing nothing about the economy. Now granted, Congress can't do very much. But they can do something. They can create incentives for companies to hire new workers. The Congress could put a freeze in collecting income tax for several months. The Feds can actually cut the deficit by reducing or eliminating programs.
I am just an average guy, working my butt off over 70 hours a week. I am blue collar and proud of it. I am also a union member, though I am conservative. I see this happening at the school I teach at and also at the Wal Mart I works at. I see this in my neighborhood and surrounding neighborhoods. But apparently, the congresscritters are too blind to see this. They are too insulated from the public and really have no clue what is going on.
So, Congress and Obama fiddles while the country burns and goes down the drain. Thank you Obama and Congress, we will remember this in 1 year.
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