From Fox News:
The warning signs were all there: the justification of homicide bombings; the spewing of anti-American hatred; the efforts to reach Al Qaeda ...
But the U.S. military treated Major Nidal Malik Hasan with kid gloves, even after giving him a poor performance review. And though he was on the radar screen of at least one U.S. intelligence agency, no action was taken that might have prevented the Army psychiatrist from allegedly gunning down 13 people and wounding 29 others in the Fort Hood massacre last week.
"There were definitely clear indications that Hasan's loyalties were not with America," Lt. Col. Val Finnell, Hasan's classmate at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences in Bethesda, Md..."There were all sorts of ... comments made throughout the year that made me question his loyalty to the United States, but nothing was done," said Finnell, who recalled one class during which Hasan gave a presentation justifying homicide bombings.
"The issue here is that there's a political correctness climate in the military. They don't want to say anything because it would be considered questioning somebody's religious belief, or they're afraid of an equal opportunity lawsuit.,2933,573469,00.html
Some people have tried to blame Obama for this mess and it just isn't true. However, political correctness, one of the hallmarks of liberalism, seems to be a major cause why this terrorist was not kicked out of the Army earlier.
Normally, an Army psychiatrist will fly under the radar for most things. After all, how much damage can a psychiatrist do?
But as this case shows, they can do a lot of damage.
Further in the article: When you are in the military and you start making comments that are seditious, when you say you believe something other than your oath of office — someone needed to say why is this guy saying this stuff.
"He was a lightning rod. He made his views known and he was very vocal, he had extremely radical jihadist views," Finnell said. "When you're a military officer you take an oath to defend against all enemies foreign and domestic.
"They should've confronted him — our professors, officers — but they were too concerned about being politically correct."
The story goes on about how politically incorrect the Army has begun. Now, it is quite clear there are consequences when a group becomes politically correct and in this case, 13 brave soldiers are the victims of political correctness and liberalism.
Fake outrage, isn't it?
1 hour ago
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