Liberals are supposed to be compassionate, after all, they are supposed to look after the little guy. So, then, why does the left keep screwing up by being hateful?
From the St. Louis Today "people arrested in August outside a raucous town hall meeting in south St. Louis County have been charged with misdemeanor ordinance violations. The six, including a Post-Dispatch reporter, had attended a demonstration outside an Aug. 6 forum called by U.S. Rep. Russ Carnahan, D-St. Louis, at Bernard Middle School in Mehlville to discuss health care reform"
But the "paper" didn't tell the whole story. The victim is a black conservative. no mention of that in the paper. Then they gave plenty of space to the those charged and gave only a small paragraph or 2 to the victim.
The paper acknowledges that reporter from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reporter but they did not mention that another thug arrested was a SEIU Barney thug. I guess wearing purple gave the thug special powers.
Another example of the compassionate left is this little ditty from Jay Bullock of
Apples to Horse Apples: by folkbum
There's an ugly internet rumor going around that Sarah Palin's poll numbers are as good as Barack Obama's. It's not true. "
Well, either Jay is calling Sarah Palin horse apples or Obama. Since Jay is a loyal leftie, I have to presume Jay was referring the "Horse Apple" comment to Palin.
So, Jay thinks it is funny to call a female horse sh*t. You stay classy, Jay and stop being such a hypocrite and a hater.
So, the left proves once again, they really are a bunch of haters hiding behind the liberal banner.
Now, not all liberals are haters, though they are few and far between. I haven't found a liberal who is tolerant, to be honest, but like the dodo bird, I am sure there liberals who weren't haters. But like the dodo bird, the liberals who are not haters may be extinct.
Sunrise — 7:04, 7:10, 7:17.
2 hours ago
Dan, You dolt.
ReplyDeleteFirst, it was not Palin he was calling names, but the stats.
Second, you left a comment on his site calling Obama a turd. Does that make you a racist?
First, capper, I don't believe that he was calling stats horses and horse apples and you know that.
ReplyDeleteAnd no, I didn't call Obama a turd. He either called Palin horse apples or Obama. Which is it?
I sure as hell hope you don't teach reading, since you are apparently illiterate. He was comparing popularity polls. If you can't tell the difference, you'd better turn in your teacher's certification.
ReplyDeleteCapper, I wouldn't be to quick to critze a person's reading ability, considering the stuff you misinterpret on your blogs. Even tonight you had trouble reading articles.
ReplyDeleteBut, if I and probably others. had problems with what Jay was writing, then maybe he should be a better writer.
Considering Jay does paper columns, and had done some blogging for the the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, I'd say his writing is just fine. You just didn't like the message so you made crap up in an effort to discredit it.
ReplyDeleteUmm, no capper. You can take what he wrote 2 different ways. You think he wrote one thing and I thought he wrote something different. Happens all the time.
ReplyDeleteI don't see how it can be taken two ways. He was talking about the popularity poll results. Can you not tell the difference between a poll number and a person?
ReplyDeleteIn fact, Dan, I was calling the claims that she was as popular as Obama horseshit. The only way to get that claim is to compare Obama's approval ratings (comparatively low) to Palin's favorability ratings (inexplicably high), which is an apples-to-oranges comparison. But "horse apples" is a much more colorful headline.
ReplyDeleteBut whatever. Keep slinging uninformed horse apples, why doncha.
Capper, wars have been fought about wording in documents and articles. You read it one way, I read a different. Whatever.
ReplyDeleteJay, polls mean squat. As Zach says, it would be a great matchup between Palin and Obama, best in decades. Just as the right will say nasty things about Obama, the Left will say nasty things about Palin. Just look at capper and his mean post about Palin and her baby and David Letterman.