As more information comes out, it seems that the thugs that killed Metro Police Officer Trevor Nettleton tried to play in the big leagues of gang life but really, in the end were just a bunch of stupid thugs.
Some details: The shooter that Killed Officer Nettleton, was shot himself- in the testicles. Yeah, he won't live that down in prison.
The guys who have been arrested broke down and confessed quite easily. Seems like this will be a slam dunk trial. This is a defense attorney's nightmare trial.
5 thugs have been arrested and are in jail.
My questions are these:
1. How many of these thugs come from single parent families?
2. How many of these thugs dropped out of school?
3. How many of these thug's families are on welfare or other government assistance?
4. When was the last time these thugs were in church?
5. When will the sympathetic articles about the thugs in the newspapers begin? (I say 3 days, especially in the LV Sun)
6. How many of these thugs are on probation or parole?
7. How many of these thugs were arrested as juveniles?
8. Where is the outrage in the black community about this murder and why aren't they outraged at all the black on black crime and murders in the black community.
I don't I will get many answers to the questions, but who knows.
We have lost too many young and innocent people to murder in Las Vegas in the past few years. When will it stop?
Fake outrage, isn't it?
1 hour ago
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